Anglo-Saxon Boast

Behold the breath of Elden’s firstborn.
Arrive Arlo! And adjacent his loyal companions,
I keep the company to rival kings.
The most celebrated scops stand at my hand,
And voluptuous valkyries hold place in my verdant eye.
Envy instilled in hearts upon my entry to this material-plane,
God gasped at the greatness he saw.
Even the wily Norns, who weave the wyrd of this world,
Have forged trap after trap so I would finally meet my fate
So their jealousy be slaked and vanity persist.
Challenges the supernatural placed at my feet
Accepted them I did, and glory I hold.
The glass-dragon slain, shattered, by my shoulder-blade.
The reaper came for the river troll when he drowned under my palms.
The creeping creatures of night weep for their cousins under my feet.
Yet, all life’s lessons have not been learned.
And I will wander the world till I find my way into history.